Mock Interview/MMI Sessions

Open to All
Allopathic and Osteopathic-focus


CSUEB Pre-Med APAMSA is pleased to offer to the greater community Mock Interview/MMI Sessions for this Spring 2022 Semester! We encourage you to register and take advantage of this opportunity as you prepare for any interviews that you might have in the future.

When: Saturday, March 5, 2022 – Starting at 9 AM
Where: Via Zoom
How to Register: Registration Form at the Bottom of this Page
Dress Code: Professional Attire

What is a Mock Interview?

A mock interview really is just a practice interview for a job interview. In this environment, you can test your answers to tough questions, create and improve strategies and enhance your communication skills and delivery of your responses.

You can have a mock interview with any individual who has previous experience working with others in a way that enables them to speak to success during a real interview. It's helpful for them to have work experience related to the job you're pursuing as they'll be able to provide deeper insight and questioning. [1]

What are MMIs?

MMI stands for Multiple Mini Interviews. It’s when you’re put through several short assessments – and it’s very different to a traditional panel interview.

MMIs are broken down into ‘stations’ – or mini-interviews – that usually last 10 minutes or less. Before each one, you’ll be presented with a scenario and given a bit of time to prepare an answer. You’ll either be asked a question by an interviewer or have to engage in a role-play scenario with an actor whilst an interviewer watches. [2]

Session Details

The Session Itself

The goal of the session is to practice your interviewing skills with medical students that have not reviewed your application file. This means coming prepared about why you would like to pursue a career in healthcare!

Each session is one (1) hour long and is broken into the following parts:

  • 35 mins interview,

  • 10 mins verbal feedback, and

  • 15 mins discretionary.

Furthermore, each session is conducted by medical students from across the country, representing both allopathic and osteopathic disciplines.

  • CSUEB Pre-Med APAMSA Staff will be present to facilitate and support the sessions.
    Staff will not be present in the interview room to protect your privacy.

  • The session will be conducted over Zoom.

  • Professional attire is required for the session.


There are no requirements for an individual to register for the event.
You do not need to submit, nor will we accept, application materials such as personal statements, resumes, and transcripts.

If you are a pre-health student that is not Pre-MD/DO, please exercise your best judgment in determining whether this event is right for you; you will not be turned away should you decide to register.

Recommended Resources

CSUEB Academic Advising and Career Education
The Academic Advising and Career Education website page provides relevant information on how to tackle a traditional interview and is still relevant for medical-focused interviews.

Medical School Interview: Winning Strategies from Admissions Faculty (1st Edition) by Samir P. Desai, Rajani Katta
Recommended by our Medical Consultant.


  • Interview Tips and MMI Overview – MMI Focus

    (in partnership with The Princeton Review)
    Mon, Feb 28, 2022 – 8 to 9 PM (Pacific) — Via Zoom

  • Interview Tips and MMI Overview – Trad. Interview Focus

    (in partnership with The Princeton Review)
    Mon, Mar 14, 2022 – 8 to 9 PM (Pacific) — Via Zoom

Registration Process

  1. Reviewing this Page
    Please review this page to be fully apprised of all event details.

  2. Appointment Registration Form
    Please complete the Appointment Registration Form below to ensure you’ve secured your slot.

  3. Completing Next Steps
    You will receive a few emails, including (1) an automatic appointment confirmation email, (2) a welcome email with session procedures, and (3) a reconfirmation email to hold your appointment the week of the event.

  4. Attending the Session
    Ensure you are 15 minutes early for the session to troubleshoot any issues.
    Staff will note your arrival time.

Appointment Registration Form

Registration Closes:
Wed, March 2, 2022, at 11:59 PM (PST) or
When All Slots are Filled, whichever comes first

If you do not see any slots to register for, all available slots have been filled and we kindly ask that you register for our waitlist as slots open up or additional capacity is available.

References & Citations

  • Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, March 8). What is a mock interview? (with example questions). Indeed Career Guide. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from

  • MMI Interviews: A Guide to the Multiple Mini Interview. The Medic Portal. (2021, December 10). Retrieved February 1, 2022, from