Constitutional Amendment 01 (CA-01)

On December 21, 2021, Founder and President Lester Andrew Uy introduced a resolution to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the Chapter, by amending sections relating to (1) the elections and appointments of officers, (2) line of succession, (3) advisory roles, and (4) membership admittance.

President’s Note

CA-01 introduces and amends several aspects of the Constitution to align and provide operational and strategic flexibility to the Organization’s current operating model, with respect to the conditions and limitations the Organization faces. As of December 01, 2021, the Organization faces low membership participation due to its remote nature and the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. This amendment maintains the “Active Status” model while adding further clarity on membership requirements, in anticipation of National’s pending new fiscal model, if enacted. It further protects the Organization for its Student Governance pipeline to ensure quality candidates are selected as successors and long-term organizational viability.

Course of Action

On December 31st, 2021, this Constitutional Amendment was unanimously approved and passed by the following parties, in compliance with Article XIII:

  1. Lester Andrew Uy, Founding Chapter President

  2. Jaliza Herradura, Administrative Director

  3. Keshlee Roy, Advocacy & Diversity Co-Director

  4. Astrid Suen, Advocacy & Diversity Co-Director

  5. Elizabeth Cho, Health Affairs Co-Director

  6. Kelly Ouyang, Health Affairs Co-Director

  7. Kathryn Pickens, Membership/Public Relations Director

Constitutional Amendment 01 (CA-01)

You may find a copy of the resolution herein.


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